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Company news

European Patent Granted
Galactify has been granted a European Patent for their innovative “Computer-implemented Human-Machine Interaction Method and User Interface.” This patent covers 17 EU countries and introduces a method of displaying information in nested 3D blocks with seamless semantic zooming, enhancing user interaction and understanding. The blog post explains how this three-dimensional approach surpasses traditional 2D tables, offering a more intuitive and efficient project management tool.
June 10, 2024

Company news

Presenting Galactify's approach to connecting strategy OKRs and decision making
Our recent social summer week at Galactify was an absolute blast! We had the privilege of participating in three incredible events that left a lasting impact on our team. The Wayra Open House Day kicked off the week with around 200 Telefónica employees showing curiosity and interest in our new product. We then witnessed our CEO, Gregor, deliver a 3 minute pitch at DB-Mindbox, showcasing how Galactify can revolutionize decision-making and employee engagement at Deutsche Bahn. Finally, we presented our product and vision at the betahaus breakfast, connecting with industry professionals and receiving valuable feedback. We are grateful for the support and enthusiasm we received throughout the week. Read on to discover more about the highlights of our social summer week!
July 7, 2023

Company news

BayTOU visited Galactify!
Representatives from BayTOU epxerienced first hand how smooth Galactify’s process modelling solution is working.
May 15, 2022