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European Patent Granted
Galactify has been granted a European Patent for their innovative “Computer-implemented Human-Machine Interaction Method and User Interface.” This patent covers 17 EU countries and introduces a method of displaying information in nested 3D blocks with seamless semantic zooming, enhancing user interaction and understanding. The blog post explains how this three-dimensional approach surpasses traditional 2D tables, offering a more intuitive and efficient project management tool.
June 10, 2024

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Steigere Deine Produktivität mit Galactify
Steigere Deine Produktivität mit dem intuitiven Navigationsprinzip von Galactify: Zoomen! In diesem Blogbeitrag erfährst Du alles, was Du zur effektiven Navigation in Galactify benötigst, von den Grundlagen, die gängigen Tools wie Google Maps entsprechen, bis hin zu speziellen Tastenkombinationen. Egal, ob Du eine Maus, ein Touchpad oder Tastenkombinationen verwendest, lerne, wie Du mühelos zoomen, schwenken und durch die verschiedenen Ebenen in Galactify navigieren kannst. Bleibe auf dem Laufenden, denn Galactify entwickelt seine 3D-ähnlichen Arbeitsbereiche ständig weiter. #Galactify #Produktivität #NavigationZooming
August 7, 2023

Company news

Presenting Galactify's approach to connecting strategy OKRs and decision making
Our recent social summer week at Galactify was an absolute blast! We had the privilege of participating in three incredible events that left a lasting impact on our team. The Wayra Open House Day kicked off the week with around 200 Telefónica employees showing curiosity and interest in our new product. We then witnessed our CEO, Gregor, deliver a 3 minute pitch at DB-Mindbox, showcasing how Galactify can revolutionize decision-making and employee engagement at Deutsche Bahn. Finally, we presented our product and vision at the betahaus breakfast, connecting with industry professionals and receiving valuable feedback. We are grateful for the support and enthusiasm we received throughout the week. Read on to discover more about the highlights of our social summer week!
July 7, 2023

Useful resources

10 Reasons Why You Should Introduce OKR (Objectives and Key Results) in Your Organization
Ten awesome reasons why OKR - that's Objectives and Key Results for the uninitiated - is like a magic potion for your organization. First off, it's all about getting your team focused on the same goals. OKR is like your team's North Star, guiding everyone in the same direction. It also encourages everyone to row the boat together - collaboration and alignment at its best! But it doesn't stop there. OKR pulls back the curtain and lets everyone see the big picture, building trust along the way. And in a fast-paced world, it helps your organization adapt and move quickly. It’s all about setting big, hairy, audacious goals and then holding everyone accountable. What's really cool is how OKR amps up engagement and motivation. Plus, it's a growth accelerator for your organization and an amazing strategy execution tool. And the cherry on top? It's a fantastic way to transform your company culture in a positive way. Now, if you're wondering how to make this all happen, well, meet Galactify. It's a super-friendly tool that's a perfect match for growing organizations wanting to get onboard the OKR train. Trust me, Galactify and OKR together are like PB&J - a match made in heaven!
May 24, 2023

Useful resources

Advanced technologies for your business process
The advancement of technology in the digital era has brought significant impacts on business processes. With the help of machines and artificial intelligence, companies handle their business operations more productively and efficiently. Not only that, but the transition to the digital era with the help of the internet and technological devices is also becoming more and more critical to determine potential and valuable opportunities of a business. There are countless potential advances in technology for nearly every business market in different industries such as healthcare, law, retail, service, automotive & transportation, agriculture, and manufacturing. Here are five advanced technologies that will help you get started.‍
March 27, 2023


Where am I? What is the next step?
Where am I? What is the next step? With these (philosophical questions) I started my elevator pitch at wayra today. Many of us have the same questions, when it comes to our daily workflows! And there is hope: I used the 2 minutes pitch also to show-case Galactify’s Workflow-Manger, that is answering these (among others) for our users Telefónica Germany (O2).Thanks to the whole wayra team and especially to Dainius for helping out on stage and Max for the best photos!‍
August 30, 2022

Company news

BayTOU visited Galactify!
Representatives from BayTOU epxerienced first hand how smooth Galactify’s process modelling solution is working.
May 15, 2022